


Instrumente Structurale
2014 – 2020



Instrumente Structurale
2007 – 2013

Project PHD 00-0033

Project Identification

Grant funding number: 11 DPST/20.08.2013

Project Title: Double gear pumps PHD- group 1 made in innovative construction

Project acronym: PHD-00
Project Coordinator: SC HESPER SA, Str. dr. Ctin. Istrati 1, Sector 4, Bucharest, postal code 040542, registered in the Trade Register with no. J40/7640/1991, tax code 385527, represented by General Director PhD. Eng. PRICOP Mircea, Economic Director Ec. ACATRINEI Camelia, tel.004-0213351050, fax.004-0213372460, e-mail:, web page:
Project Director: prof. univ. PhD. MSc. Eng. OPRAN Constantin Gheorghe; ; tel./fax:004-0214029930;
2. Funded by: UEFISCDI – Innovation Program – Subprogram Product Development – Systems – Technologies
3. Link to UEFISCDI page:
4. The total project value: 2.870.999,00 lei
Not returnable value : 1.138.000,00 lei. (state budget)
Value of the own contribution: 1.732.999,00 lei. (from other sources – the partners involved in the project)
5. Project details
The composition of the consortium:
Coordinator – CO – SC HESPER SA, Str. dr. Ctin. Istrati 1, Sector 4, Bucharest, postal code 040542, registered in the Trade Register with no. J40/7640/1991, tax code 385527, represented by General Director PhD. Eng. PRICOP Mircea, Economic Director Ec. ACATRINEI Camelia, tel.004-0213351050, fax.004-0213372460, e-mail:, web page:; type of legal person: SACD, Principal CAEN code 2812;
Partner 1 – P1 – POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Splaiul Independenței 313, sector 6 Bucharest, postal code 060042, the constituting act, Decree no. 175/03.08.1948, tax code 4183199, represented by the Rector, prof. PhD. Eng DARIE George, tel.: 004-0214029461, Fax.: 004-0214115363, e-mail: cabinet.rector @, pag. web:, type of legal person: UNI, Principal CAEN code: 8542;
Project responsible: Prof. univ. PhD. Eng. Ec. DOICIN Cristian; e-mail:; tel/fax: 004-0214029302; fax:004-0213107753; web. pag:

Project Description

The project objective: The main objective is to develop and introduce in the production of a new group of double gear pump, namely PHD – 00 for Group 1, whose displacements are between 0.85 cm3/rot and 7.8 cm3/rot and they are characterized by a short axial size, used for special applications.
Duration of the contract: 27 month (20.08.2013 – 30.11.2015)
During the implementation: 3 years (01.12.2015 – 30.11.2018)
Expected results of the project: The project outcome, “a new group of double gear pump” is designed for hydraulic circuits drive to equipate small hydraulic groups
(minicentralines) for vehicles and boats, lifting equipment, equipment alter heavy mobile applications. In the first year of project implementation, in 2015, there will be a total of 500 units double gear pump group 1, with different geometrical volumes, depending on the requirements of the national or international economy and beneficiaries.
In the following years the production will gradually increase depending on the results and demand of 1,000 units annually.




Stage 1: Experimental Research on the development of models for PHD-00 pumps (deadline: 15/11/2013)
Activity 1.1: Research and solutions analysis
Activity 1.2: Developing of constructive and technological solutions for experimental model

Stage 2: Execution of the experimental model, testing / experimenting experimental model (deadline: 30/04/2014)
Activity 2.1: Development of constructive and technological solutions for ME
Activity 2.2: Experiencing the developed model
Activity 2.3: Development referential / initial specification
Activity 2.4: Presentation and demonstration of functionality and utility of the developed model

Stage 3: Experimental development of the design of the prototype pump under constructive and technological aspects of PHD-00 (deadline: 30/11/2014)
Activity 3.1: Development of the technical and economical documentation
Activity 3.2: Development of technical documentation of product development – prototype
Activity 3.3: Development of documentation for execution (SDV –tools, devices, production units)

Step 4: Experimental Development on the implementation, verification and testing prototype pump PHD (deadline: 07/15/2015)
Activity 4.1: Execution of the prototype
Activity 4.2: Testing and verification on the prototype

Step 5: Development of final documentation of construction and completion referential (deadline: 30/11/2015)
Activity 5.1: Plan of operations, technological flow, final specification.

2. Stage 1, deadline: 15.11.2013
In accordance with the project plan in stage 1 (deadline: 15/11/2013) specific activities were carried out with the overall objective “EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF MODELS FOR PHD-00 PUMPS”.

Developed activities in the stage 1:
Activity 1.1: Research and solutions analysis
Based on specialized studies developed by consortium partners has been developed a technical synthesis study, which were found the most recent in the field researches and were selected and analyzed technical solutions compatible with the aim of the project objective. It was develop a survey and analytical solutions in order to achieve PHD-00 pump models.
Activity 1.2: Developing of constructive and technological solutions for experimental model
Based on the analysis of solutions made ​​in the Activity 1.1 has been materialized the technical documentation included in the document presenting the results of the stage 1. The EXPERIMENTAL MODEL proposed to comply with the primary requirement of the documentation embodiment of a pump with a double axial dimension less than 150 mm (146,7+1) corresponding to the group 1, whose geometric volume ranges from 7.4 cm3/rot for the first pump stepand 6.3cm3/rot for the second pump step, by the following pressure parameters: Pn = 50bar (Pmax = 80 bar) for pump step nr. 1 and Pn = 70 bar (Pmax = 100 bar) for pump step nr. 2. Drive speeds are variable and ranges between nmin = 300 rev / min and nmax = 3200 rev / min. For experimental model based on the analysis of solutions it was made the technical documentation designed and materialized in the drawing PHD – 00 double pump with the technical documents for each component parts.
In the document presenting the stage 1 were notate the innovative results of EXPERIMENTAL MODEL materialized in the innovative pump conception and their coupling mode . It has been shown the achievement of the 1st and 2nd pump stage in the compact way ( with a minimum number of seals and pumps component parts ) with one thin compensator and flange bearings located in the pump body. Through its innovative coupling has been eliminates the need for caps and intermediate flanges resulting in a significant decrease in axial gauge double pump and achieve better reliability double pump PHD -00 to twin pumps on the market. Based on the study and technical documentation of the experimental model were established requirements for construction, testing and experimenting experimental model (which will be performed in Stage 2 of the project) ME functionality testing on test stands and special laboratory equipment.
3. STAGE nr. 2Achievement, testing/experimenting of the experimental model, deadline: 30.04.2014,
Activities carried outin stage2:
3.1. Activity 2.1: Development of constructive and technological solution for the EXPERIMENTAL MODEL-ME
On the basis ofthe technical documentation(constructive and technology) from the Stage1 to the materialization of the optimal solution to achieve an experimental model pumps-00PDH it was finalized and completed the “EXPERIMENTAL MODEL-ME”for the double pump PDH-00. The EXPERIMENTAL MODEL according to the technical documentation complies with beneficiaries requirements. For the Achievement of the Experimental model it was designed the technical documentation materialized in assembly drawing PDH-00 and drawing of the components.
3.2 Activity 2.2: Experimenting of the developed model
In model experiments conducted, were considered the internal procedures of HESPER.
Reporttest/experiment demonstrated that the product meets the requirements made by the project.

3.3 Activity 2.3: Development of reference/original specifications
The development of reference/original specifications was to establish the main measures and guidelines that must bemet by the contractor to achieve the qualitative EXPERIMENTAL MODELand its acceptance as an experimental model. Specification forms, part of the written documentation and drawings of the product and is used with it. Informationon technical characteristics, description of assembly mode adjustment indicators of reliability, spare parts, etc., are presented in the Technical Notes related the technical specifications. Specialized specifications for product components, complete specification and are part of it.
3.4 Activity 2.4: Presentation and demonstration of functionality and utility of the developed model
The Dissemination activity took place Thursday, April 17, 2014, Hall CB207, University Politehnica of Bucharest, 313I ndependence Splai, Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems, Production Engineering Department
The Dissemination activity to who took part 84 people was conducted according to the following schedule:
1. 09.00-09.15-Registration of participants;
2. 09.15-09.30 – Opening, Project presentation-prof.univ. OPRAN Constantin, Project Manager;
3. 09.30.- 09.45 – HESPER SA, Contractor PRICOP Mircea, CEO;
4. 9.45 -10.00- Politehnica University of Bucharest, Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems-Project partner-prof.univ. DOICIN Cristian, Coordinator Project;
5. 10.15-10.30-Overview of the Step 1, Experimental research ont he development of models for TEODORESCU Florin, UPB;
6. 10.30.- 10.45 – Discussions Stage1 of the project;
7. 10.45-11.15 – Coffee break, visit the Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems, Production Engineering Department;
8.11.15-11.30- Presentation of the Stage nr. 2- Development testing/experimenting of the experimental DINU Maria-HESPER SA;
9.11.30-11.45 – Discussions of the Stage 2 of the project;
10.11.45 -12.00- Success Strategies Project-prof.univ. OPRAN Constantin, Project Manager;
11.12.00-12.30 – Discussion, Conclusions;
3.5 Conclusions Stage nr 2 of the project
1. The experimental design corresponded to customer requirements.
2. The volumetric efficiency were according with thestage requirements, the pump operated at the indicated maximum pressure, istestedat 1.5•Pmax for checking the mechanical resistance and lack of distortion components.
3. The camps were well designed and therefore not pump overheated.
4. Formass production it is necessary to increase the capacity to machine tools and test equipment stands in conformity to processed and provision of specialized tools that allowhigh productivity.
5. In the future it is necessary to equip the stands with equipment for torque measuring and drivepower consumption and will perform SDV needed to determine the noise level of the pump.
6. Achievements of the Stage2 correspond to the data presented in the Project plan “Double gear pump PHD-Gr.1 made ​​in innovative construction “projectNr. 11DPST/20.08.2013.
3.6. Contact person: Eng. LAZAR Cornel, SC HESPERSA, Str. Dr.Ctin. Istratii1, Sector 4, Bucharest, postal code040 542, tel.004-0213351050, fax. :004-0213372460, e-mail:, webpage:


Contact person: eng. LAZAR Cornel
Str. dr. Ctin. Istrati, nr.1, Sector 4, Bucuresti, postal code 040542, tel.004-0213351050, fax.:004-0213372460, e-mail:, web page: .



Instrumente Structurale
2014 – 2020

SMGP Project

Project identification data

Financing contract number: 272 / 24.06.2020.

Call code: POC / 222/1/3 / Stimulating the demand of enterprises for innovation through RDI projects carried out by enterprises individually or in partnership with R&D institutes and universities, in order to innovate processes and products in economic sectors with growth potential

Contract approved within – Competitiveness Operational Program

Priority Axis – Research, technological development and innovation (RDI) in support of economic competitiveness and business development

Operation – Stimulating the demand of enterprises for innovation through RDI projects carried out by enterprises individually or in partnership with R&D institutes and universities, in order to innovate processes and products in economic sectors that have growth potential

State aid scheme – financing research-development and innovation activities (RDI) and investments in RDI through the COMPETITIVENESS OPERATIONAL PROGRAM (COP)

Project title: Digital mechatronic systems for generating pressure of 1000 bar, using hydraulic pressure amplifiers (SMGP)

SMIS Code 2014+: 121542

Project acronym: SMGP

Project beneficiary: HESPER SA, Str. Dr. Ctin. Istrati, no.1, Sector 4, Bucharest, postal code 040542, registered at the Trade Register with no. J40 / 7640/1991, fiscal code 385527, represented by General Manager Dr. Eng. PRICOP Mircea, Economic Director Ec.ACATRINEI Camelia, tel.004-0213351050, fax.004-0213372460, e-mail:, web page:


Place of the project derulation: 3 locations, namely: HESPER S.A. (Bucharest, sector 4, 1 Dr. Constantin Istrati Street, postal code: 040542); INOE 2000 Headquarters IHP Branch (Bucharest, sector 4, 14 Cutitul de Argint Street, postal code: 040558) and UPB Headquarters (Bucharest, sector 6, 313 Splaiul Independentei Street, postal code: 060042)

Project Manager: Dr.Ing. PRICOP Mircea e-mail:; tel./fax: 021.3351050 /021.3372460.

Intermediate Organism: Ministry of Education and Research

The total value of the project: 10,046,452.12 lei

Total eligible value: 9,256,542.50 lei

Eligible non-reimbursable amount from ERDF / FC / ESF / ILMT: RON 5,373,141.00

Eligible non-reimbursable value from the national budget: 1,343,285.25 lei

The value of the eligible co-financing of the Beneficiary: 2,540,116.25 lei

Ineligible value including VAT: 789,909.62 lei


The purpose of the project is to achieve a new product innovation, which will be implemented within the enterprise HESPER S.A. Bucharest. The innovation is based on the research carried out within the project, through an effective collaboration of the enterprise with two partner research organizations, respectively a national research-development institute and a technical higher education institution.

The general objective of the project: Diversification of the activity of HESPER S.A. Bucharest through products that were not previously made in the unit, respectively of some digital mechatronic pumping systems, with a pressure of 1000 bar, with high energy efficiency, positive impact on the environment and improved functional performances. The products will be based on their own design, which will ensure superior performance and characteristics to similar equipment existing on the Romanian market.

Specific objectives of the project:

a) Analysis of the world market of units and systems for generating high pressures;

b) Realization of individual pumping modules, with pressure multiplier, in 3 dimensional variants;

c) Realization of 2 units / systems for generating high pressures, with 2 and 3 individual modules, with modules equal in size;

d) Realization of some technologies for functional verification, interphase and final, of the pumping units / systems.

Expected results: feasibility study, technical study (3 volumes), technological documentation, constructive execution documentation, automation documentation, individual physical pumping modules (test stand modules and physical prototypes of modular pumping systems), execution and assembly reports , test reports and test reports, patent applications (2), articles, information workshop, etc.

Contract duration: 36 months

Project start date: 01.07.2020

Date of project finalization: 30.06.2023


Str. dr. Ctin. Istrati, nr.1, Sector 4, Bucuresti, cod postal 040542, tel.004-0213351050, fax.:004-0213372460


Activities carried out during the implementation period

Nr. Crt. Activity Deadlines
1 Activity 1: Carrying out preparatory feasibility studies for CD activities – Feasibility study (ineligible activity) Month 1 -3 implementation
2 Activity 2: INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH – Technical study for defining the solutions for making the products Month 1-5 implementation
3 Activity 3: INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH – Constructive and technological design of new individual pumping modules for high pressure generation Month 1-36 implementation
4 Activity 4: INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH – Realization of 3 individual pumping modules for generating high pressures at low flows and test stand Month 5-16 implementation
5 Activity 5: INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH – Functional testing and verification, to the manufacturer and designer of the individual pumping modules; preparation of preliminary specifications individual modules and modular pumping systems Month 17-21 implementation
6 Activity 6: EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT – Constructive and technological design of 2 prototypes of modular pumping systems for generating high pressures Month 19-25 implementation
7 Activitatea 7: DEZVOLTARE EXPERIMENTALA – Realizarea a 2 prototipuri de sisteme modulare de pompare pentru generarea presiunilor înalte Month 23-31 implementation
8 Activity 8: EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT – Functional testing and verification, at the manufacturer and designer, of the prototypes of the modular pumping systems; finalization of technical and technological documentation; final preliminary specification Month 29-36 implementation
9 Activity 9: EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT – Large-scale dissemination of project results Month 17-31 implementation
10 Activity 10: Initial investments for innovation in order to put into production the results obtained from research and development Month 2-36 implementation
11 Activity 11: Process and organizational innovation Month 2-7 implementation
12 Activity 12: Innovation activities regarding the obtaining, validation and protection of patents and other intangible assets Month 5-33 implementation
13 Activity 13: Project management Month 1-36 implementation
14 Activity 14: Information and publicity Month 1-36 implementation
15 Activity 15: Final project audit Month 33-36 implementation

Acquisition plan

Acquisition file ID: 1972218477

Purchase title: Machine tool purchase

Lathe with numerical control: Numerical control: -Type of the unit: separate computer system numerical control; -CPU: 800 MHz x 2; Memory: DDR3-SDRAM 256 MB, -External memory: SD card (connected to the graphics unit); -Encoder Resolution: 4,000,000 / 1,000,000 pulses; -Minimum control unit: 0.0001mm, 0.0001 inch, 0.0001 degrees; -Maximum linear / rotational feedrate: 100,000,000 mm / min / 277,777r / min. PC: CPU: 800 MHz; Memory: DDR3 SDRAM 256 MB; Operation system: VxWorks; Screen: 10.4 ”VGA; Keyboard: numbers / alphabet; USB port: USB2x1; SD memory card; 100M / 1Gbps Ethernet. Standard features: Universal main shaft diameter: 8 ”; Maximum length / Maximum machining diameter / Maximum bar diameter: 358/350/65 mm; Maximum / minimum speed: 5,000 / 35 rpm; Continuous engine power: 15kW;

Fast moving x / y axis: 30/33 m / s; Stroke x / y axis: 195/560 mm.

CPV: 42600000-2 – Machine tools

Contract type: Supply

Contract value: 580,244.00 LEI

Type of procedure: Request for tenders / Simplified procedure

Date of publication of the procedure: August 2020

Date of publication of the evaluation result: October 2020

Contract signing date: October 2020

Acquisition file ID: 2311577164

Acquisition title: Multifunctional A3 Monochrome Laser – Initial investment

Purchase description: Copy / print speed: 22ppm A4 and 14ppm A3; Duplex Printing and Copying; Black and white print resolution: 1800 x 600 dpi; Copy resolution: 600×600 dpi; scan resolution: min.600×600 dpi; PCL 6 print language (PCL 5 + XL 3.0); PostScript 3 (CPSI 3016); XPS, Scanner Function; USB connectivity min 2.0 GB Ethernet; Memory: min 2048 MB; HDD: min. 250GB (Initial Investment)

CPV: 30121100-4 – Photocopiers

Contract type: Supply

Contract value: 8,568.00 LEI

Procedure type: Direct purchase

Date of publication of the procedure: August 2020

Date of publication of the evaluation result: January 2021

Contract signing date: January 2021

Purchase file ID: 3382274593

Purchase title: Ultra-Germany track set (112 pieces) Class 1 – Initial investment

Purchase description: The wedges can be made of the following materials: special steel, metal carbide or ceramic Precision classes: K, 0, 1 and 2 Max. track included in the set: 1,0005… 500 mm Material: WAX (Initial investment)

CPV: 38410000-2 – Measuring instruments

Contract type: Supply

Contract value: 7,464.87 LEI

Procedure type: Direct purchase

Date of publication of the procedure: August 2020

Date of publication of the evaluation result: January 2021

Contract signing date: January 2021

Acquisition file ID: 3041244425

Purchase title: Mitutoyo digital micrometer with plates, 25 – 50 mm (2 pcs.) – Initial investment

Purchase description: Division 0.001mm Plate diameter 20 mm (Initial investment)

CPV: 38330000-7 – Manual instruments for measuring lengths

Contract type: Supply

Contract value: 7,159.04 LEI

Procedure type: Direct purchase

Date of publication of the procedure: August 2020

Date of publication of the evaluation result: January 2021

Contract signing date: January 2021

Purchase file ID: 2706138974

Purchase title: Mitutoyo bore kit 20-50 mm – Initial investment

Purchase description: Measuring range: 20-50 mm Measuring heads: 20-50 / 25-30 / 30-40 / 40-50 mm Extension: 150mm Measuring rings: 25/40 (Initial investment)

CPV: 38410000-2 – Measuring instruments

Contract type: Supply

Contract value: 11,690.56 LEI

Procedure type: Direct purchase

Date of publication of the procedure: August 2020

Date of publication of the evaluation result: January 2021

Contract signing date: January 2021

Acquisition file ID: 1911802215

Purchase title: 3-point indoor micrometer set, measuring range 20-50mm / 0.005mm – Initial investment

Purchase description: Measuring range: 12-50 mm Division: 0.005mm Metal carbide measuring tanks Delivery with 150mm extension and setting ring calibration with diameter of 16.25 and 40 mm (Initial investment)

CPV: 38330000-7 – Manual instruments for measuring lengths

Contract type: Supply

Contract value: 4,367.30 LEI

Procedure type: Direct purchase

Date of publication of the procedure: August 2020

Date of publication of the evaluation result: January 2021

Contract signing date: January 2021

Purchase ID: 2582929170

Acquisition title: Portable digital durimeter with impact sensor D- measuring range 170… 960 HLD – Initial investment

Purchase description: Measuring range 170-960HDL Measurable hardness units: HRC 19.8-68.5 max HRB 59.6-99.6 max HB 440-651 max HV 83-976 max HSD 26.4-99.5 max Accuracy 1% up to 800HLD (= / – 6HLD) Possibility of positioning the sensor in any plane. Standard delivery with type D impact sensor, standard block, printer with ACU connected to the infrared hardness meter (Initial investment)

CPV: 38300000-8 – Measuring instruments

Contract type: Supply

Contract value: 7,502.95 LEI

Procedure type: Direct purchase

Date of publication of the procedure: August 2020

Date of publication of the evaluation result: January 2021

Contract signing date: January 2021

Acquisition file ID: 4018991465

Purchase title: Tesa Rugosurf 20, portable = Tesa Roughness Analyzer Set + full Rugosoft software – Initial investment

Acquisition description: Downloading data from RUGOSURF 20, printing results, viewing results (parameters, profiles), calculating roughness parameters, statistical analysis, creating and storing measurement programs, customizing measurement reports (Initial investment)

CPV: 31710000-6 – Electronic equipment

Contract type: Supply

Contract value: 10,245.90 LEI

Procedure type: Direct purchase

Date of publication of the procedure: August 2020

Date of publication of the evaluation result: January 2021

Contract signing date: January 2021

Acquisition file ID: 4099079952

Purchase title: Tesa Veriobor Set, High Precision Bore Gauges For Two-Point Measurement 50 ÷ 150 mm (2 pcs.) – Initial investment

Purchase description: 50 + 150mm Read: 0.001 Maximum errors: 5 μm Repeatability: 1 μm (Initial investment)

CPV: 38410000-2 – Measuring instruments

Contract type: Supply

Contract value: 6,140.40 LEI

Procedure type: Direct purchase

Date of publication of the procedure: August 2020

Date of publication of the evaluation result: January 2021

Contract signing date: January 2021

Purchase Title: Electronic Probes And Tesatronic Display Units TESATRONIC TT60 Programmable – Initial Investment

Purchase description: Excellent repeatability, durability and longevity parameters. Reading: 0.001 mm Maximum errors: 0.2 + 3L3 μm Repeatability: 0.01 μm (Initial investment)

CPV: 31710000-6 – Electronic equipment

Contract type: Supply

Contract value: 7,846.86 LEI

Procedure type: Direct purchase

Date of publication of the procedure: August 2020

Date of publication of the evaluation result: January 2021

Contract signing date: January 2021


Purchase file ID: 1730614598

Purchase title: IMICRO Analog Tin 20-40 set – Initial investment

Purchase description: Range: 20-40mm Setting rings: 2 (25; 35) Extension: 1 (150) mm (Initial investment)

CPV: 38330000-7 – Manual instruments for measuring lengths

Contract type: Supply

Contract value: 10,054.31 LEI

Procedure type: Direct purchase

Date of publication of the procedure: August 2020

Date of publication of the evaluation result: January 2021

Contract signing date: January 2021


Acquisition file ID: 2579001094

Purchase Title: MICRO ETALON 225 – Precision Micrometers with a Dial Indicator – Initial Investment

Purchase description: Range: 25-50mm Ideal for comparative measurement of small evening pieces


  1. Purchase name

Acquisition of services for elaboration of feasibility study preparatory for industrial research activities

Procedure applied                             SIMPLIFIED PROCEDURE

Estimated value                                 20,000 lei

Deadline for submission of bids      10.07.2020 / hour 12:00

Offers opening meeting                    11.07.2020 / time 12:00


Announcements and Events


  1. Press release regarding the start of the project 08.07.2020, the announcement was published with the following content:



Instrumente Structurale
2014 – 2020

Bucharest, 01.07.2020




HESPER S.A. company, headquartered in Bucharest, Str. Dr. Constantin Istrati no. 1, sector 4, postal code 040542, telephone 0213351050, fax 0213372460, carries out, starting with 01.07.2020, the project “DIGITAL MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS FOR GENERATION OF PRESSURE OF 1000 BAR, USING HYDRAULIC PRESSURE AMPLIFIERS SMR, 2014+: 121542, filed in appeal POC / 222/1/3. The project is carried out through the COMPETITIVENESS OPERATIONAL PROGRAM (COP), Priority Axis 1 Research, technological development and innovation (RDI) in support of economic competitiveness and business development, Action: 1.2.1 Stimulating the demand of enterprises for innovation through RDI projects carried out individually or in enterprises partnership with R&D institutes and universities, in order to innovate processes and products in economic sectors that have growth potential, Component 1 INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGICAL PROJECT FOR MORE DEVELOPED REGIONS (Bucharest-Ilfov) and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, in basis of the financing contract no. 272 / 24.06.2020 concluded between the Ministry of European Funds / Ministry of Education and Research and HESPER S.A.

The general objective of the project is to diversify the activity of HESPER S.A. Bucharest through products that were not previously made in the unit, respectively of digital mechatronic pumping systems, with a pressure of 1000 bar, with high energy efficiency, positive impact on the environment and improved functional performance.

Project beneficiary: HESPER S.A.

Project partners: National Research-Development Institute for Optoelectronics INOE 2000 INCD Branch Research Institute for Hydraulics and Pneumatics INOE 2000-IHP Bucharest, Polytechnic University of Bucharest.

The target group of the project is the beneficiaries and manufacturers of machines, equipment and installations, which require high pressures at low flow rates and pulsators or high pressures at high flow rates and low pulsations.

Expected results: feasibility study, technical study, technological documentation, constructive execution documentation, automation documentation, individual physical pumping modules (test stand modules and physical prototypes of modular pumping systems), execution and assembly reports, test reports and test bulletins, patent applications, articles, information workshop, etc.

Project start date: 01.07.2020; Date of completion of the project: 30.06.2023.

The total value of the project is 10,046,452.12, the eligible value of the project is 9,256,542.50 lei, of which the value of EU co-financing is 5,373,141.00 lei, the value of national non-reimbursable financing is 1,343,285.25 lei, and the value of the eligible co-financing of the Beneficiary is 2,540,116.25 lei.

Project co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Program Competitiveness 2014-2020


HESPER S.A., headquartered  in Bucharest, Str. Dr. Constantin Istrati no. 1, sector 4, postal code 040542

Tel.: 0213351050, Fax: 0213372460, e-mail:,